

VLB Berlin supplements further education courses with online conference: short interview with Roberto Biurrun

With its 1st International Brewing Web Conference (IBWC) VLB Berlin is extending its portfolio of further education services. At the start of December three days will be devoted to both topical and classic issues that concern the world’s brewing and beverage industries. Networking in the digital environment will also not be neglected, as Roberto Biurrun, the man responsible for the sale and organization of VLB Berlin events on an international scale, explains in the following interview with Freshly bottled.

Freshly bottled: Due to the corona pandemic numerous in-person events have been canceled in the past weeks and months. These events were and are now often staged digitally. VLB Berlin is also expanding its further training program to include a digital web conference. Mr. Biurrun, can you tell us what’s behind this?

Roberto Biurrun: One of the effects of the corona pandemic is that it’s limited mobility worldwide. Since around the middle of March nearly all symposia have thus had to be canceled – both in Germany and abroad. This doesn’t just apply to conferences, by the way, but in part also to other educational measures, such as advanced training courses, seminars and the like.
At VLB we’d long been planning on supplementing our existing portfolio with digital services. The corona crisis shifted this back into focus so that we’ve now prioritized this idea and will be implementing it this year.

Freshly bottled: In a way, is this web conference also designed to compensate for some of the VLB events canceled recently?

Biurrun: We want to expand our portfolio by adding digital content as part of our business strategy. In this sense the 1st International Brewing Web Conference (IBWC) is to supplement our familiar and successful face-to-face events on an annual basis. Here, it’s important to note that we by no means intend to replace conferences already in existence. Because of the pandemic, this year our web conference logically gives participants from all over the world the ideal opportunity to keep up to date with current issues. However, we’re still going to return to our conferences on site as soon as the current situation improves and normal mobility resumes.

Freshly bottled: What’s the program like for the VLB’s 1st International Brewing Web Conference? Which topics will be covered?

Biurrun: Our 1st IBWC will be held for three days from December 1 to 3. As always, we’ll be reporting on current topics such as trend products and new technologies, with the emphasis on innovation and applied research.

Freshly bottled: Whom do you wish to address with this digital event?

Biurrun: We want to reach out to participants from the brewery and beverage sectors across the globe. As this is an international conference, the talks will be in English. Regardless of the current situation, with this new format we also want to address those industry representatives who can’t be absent from their company for a live event lasting several days.

Freshly bottled: Which hardware do you need to take part in the web conference?

Biurrun: A good Internet connection is a basic requirement here. The only restriction is that access won’t be possible from mobile phones. The event format is such that the use of a computer is advisable in any case.

Freshly bottled: A conference thrives on the sometimes intensive discussions following the individual talks. How will you ensure that participants will be able to talk to the speakers?

Biurrun: There’ll be a question-and-answer session after each presentation where the chairman of the respective block will present participants’ questions for discussion. The speaker is switched live for this. The dynamics will then be pretty much the same as with classic conferences.

Freshly bottled: A central part of VLB events was also always the exchange with companies from the supply industry. How does this work on a digital platform?

Biurrun: That’s right; with its program of interesting talks a conference is always of a chiefly educational nature. However, networking with and talking to the supply industry during the conference have also always been a major factor of our events.
Therefore, we have built this aspect into the program. Part of our web conference will consist of a digital exhibition where participants will continue to have the chance to engage directly with the participating companies.

Freshly bottled: How, in your view, does the 1st International Brewing Web Conference differ from other online events?

Biurrun: A lot of digital events have been organized this year, such as online seminars. This is undoubtedly an interesting way of approaching industry representatives but one that’s usually limited to a certain topic or provider. Our 1st International Brewing Web Conference ties in with the tradition of our existing VLB person-to-person conferences recognized the world over. With a wide range of current topics, all at once and all in one place: this time on the VLB’s virtual campus.
Incidentally, the slogan for our web conference is “Distance seems so little, because we care”. Participants can take part in our symposium comfortably and safely wherever they are – whether in the office or at home. We’re already looking forward to welcoming a great number of participants from all over the world!

Freshly bottled: Mr. Biurrun, many thanks for talking to us!

Roberto Biurrun